职称: 讲师
个人简介:邓亚玲,女,湖北麻城人,2021年9月于中南大学,商学院,获管理学博士学位,2019年10月-2020年10月在加拿大,布鲁克大学,古德曼商学院访学。现在创新创业与运营管理系承担了《管理经济学》、《项目管理》、《管理案例分析》等本科生课程以及《无形资产评估》研究课程。长期扎根于数字经济、绿色技术创新、环境政策评估等方面的研究,在《Sustainable Development》《Resources Policy》、《Journal of Innovation & Knowledge》、《南开管理评论》、《Sustainable Production and Consumption》等SCI、SSCI、CSSCI、CSSCD期刊上发表论文10多篇,主持了国家自然科学基金青年项目和教育部人文社科项目各1项。
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目“数字规制赋能企业绿色创新韧性增效机制及政策优化研究”(批准号:7240041653),在研(2025-2027);
[2] 教育部人文社科青年项目“数字规制对制造企业绿色发展的影响机理、效果评估与政策优化研究”,在研(2024-2026);
[3] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助:环境规制与绿色技术创新激励机制研究(NO.223103001),2022.01-2023.12.
[1] Yang Zhang,Yaling Deng*,Ourong Yang,De Xia,Haiyun Liu.Substantive or symbolic? The strategic choice of sustainable environmental strategy for enterprises induced by the new environmental protection law[J]. Sustainable Development, 2024:1-21.(本人第一通讯作者,JCR一区,SSCI)
[2] Jun Wang,Yaling Deng*,Zexia Liu,Huatao Peng,Xiaohui Yang. Optimal strategy for enterprises’ green technology innovation considering individual disappointment avoidance and altruistic reference based on differential game theory[J]. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2024: 1-22.(员工一作,本人第一通讯作者,JCR二区,SCI)
[3] Fan Xu, Zhenyu Hao, Chao Zhou & Yaling Deng*. Bearing condition monitoring via an unsupervised and enhanced stacked auto-encoder[J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2024, 46(6): 367.(本人第一通讯作者,JCR三区,SCI)
[4] Yaling Deng ,Jingjing Wang,De Xia,Lulu Xu. The impact of political competition on low-carbon technology innovation: From the perspective of officials’ personal characteristics[J]. Energy & Environment, 2023: 0958305X231205516.(本人一作,JCR二区,SSCI)
[5] Yaling Deng; Daming You*; Jingjing Wang ; Research on the nonlinear mechanism underlying the effect of tax competition on green technology innovation - An analysis based on the dynamic spatial Durbin model and the threshold panel model[J], Resources Policy, 2022, 76: 102545 . (本人一作, JCR一区, SSCI)
[6] Yaling Deng; Daming You*; Yang Zhang ; Research on improvement strategies for low-carbon technology innovation based on a differential game: The perspective of tax competition[J], Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2021, 26(4): 1046-1061 . (本人一作, JCR一区,SSCI, SCI).
[7] Yaling Deng; Daming You*; Jingjing Wang*; Optimal strategy for enterprises’ green technology innovation from the perspective of political competition[J], Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 235: 930-942. (本人一作, JCR一区,SCI).
[8] 游达明; 邓亚玲*; 夏赛莲 ; 基于竞争视角下央地政府环境规制行为策略研究[J], 中国人口·资源与环境, 2018, 28(11): 120-129. (导师一作,本人通讯,CSSCI, 国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定B类期刊).
[9] Yaling Deng, Shuliang Zou*, Daming You. Financial performance evaluation of nuclear power-related enterprises from the perspective of sustainability[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(1):1-15. (本人一作, JCR二区,SCI,).
[10] Yaling Deng, Shuliang Zou*, Daming You. Theoretical Guidance on Evacuation Decisions after a Big Nuclear Accident under the Assumption That Evacuation Is Desirable[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(9):3095. (本人一作, JCR二区,SSCI,SCI).
[11] 王竟竟,许民利,邓亚玲. 信息不对称下闭环供应链定价及协调契约 [J]. 系统工程学报, 2022, 37 (05): 617-631. DOI:10.13383/j.cnki.jse.2022.05.004.(CSSCI, 国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定A类期刊).
[12] Yang Zhang, Jian Li, Yaling Deng. Avoid or approach: How CEO power affects corporate environmental innovation. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge,2022, 7(4), 100250.(JCR一区,SSCI).
[13] 张杨,袁宝龙,郑晶晶,邓亚玲.策略性回应还是实质性响应?碳排放权交易政策的企业绿色创新效应[J/OL].南开管理评论, 2022:1-24.(CSSCI,国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定A类).
[1] 2023年9月获得“太阳集团tcy8722&北京坤元至诚资产评估有限公司湖北分公司”校级研究生联合培养工作站;
[2] 2024年指导的本科生汪俊获得“太阳集团tcy8722优秀毕业论文”,并指导其在《Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy》发表SCI论文一篇;
[3] 2024年指导崔帅鹏等4位研究生撰写教学案例“山鸡变凤凰,南柯梦一——启东鹏腾功败垂成的登“神”长阶”,并被《中国管理案例共享中心》收录;
[4] 2023年指导研究生柳明翔等5位研究生参加“全国资产评估业务案例大赛”并获得“一等奖”;
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