个人简介:2021年毕业于北京理工大学管理科学与工程专业,获管理学博士学位。 主要研究方向包括复杂系统建模、技术创新与扩散、碳减排。2017-2018年在美国阿贡国家实验室(隶属美国能源部与芝加哥大学)访学。2019年至今在《Applied Energy》、《Energy Economics》等权威期刊发表多篇学术论文。
担任Resources Policy、Journal of Cleaner Production、Environmental Science and Pollution Research、Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy等SCI /SSCI期刊匿名审稿人 。
[1] Shi Y, Zeng Y*, Engo J, Han B, Li Y, Muehleisen R. Leveraging inter-firm influence in the diffusion of energy efficiency technologies: An agent-based model[J]. Applied Energy, 2020, 263: 114641. SCI
[2] Shi Y, Wei Z, Shahbaz M*, Zeng Y. Exploring the dynamics of low-carbon technology diffusion among enterprises: An evolutionary game model on a
two-level heterogeneous social network[J].Energy Economics, 2021,101:105399. SSCI
[3] Shi Y, Han B, Zeng Y*, Simulating policy interventions in the interfirm diffusion of low-carbon technologies: An agent-based evolutionary game model[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 250:119449. SCI
[4] Shi Y*, Han B, Han L, Wei Z. Uncovering the national and regional household carbon emissions in China using temporal and spatial decomposition analysis models[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 232: 966-979. SCI
[5] Shi Y, Han B, Zafar M, Wei Z*. Uncovering the driving forces of carbon dioxide emissions in Chinese manufacturing industry: An intersectoral analysis[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(30): 31434-31448. SCI
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