职称: 教授
邮箱: wanghu61@126.com
研究方向: 信息系统,数据分析,智能决策
1) 国家自然科学基金,基于客户行为分析的服务挖掘机理与模型研究
2) 湖北省科技厅,基于主动服务的汽车售后服务创新研究
3) 中国科学技术协会,高层次科技人才成长的生态环境研究
4) 中国长江海事局,长江航务管理局信息化指标体系设计
5) 长江航务管理局,智能航运发展战略研究
6) 中国科普研究所,发展视域下基层科普模式与机制研究
7) 湖北省科协,湖北省大数据产业发展策略研究
8) 中国建材集团,中建材信息化十三五规划
9) 浙江水晶光电股份有限公司,水晶光电信息化总体方案设计
10) 东风特种商用车公司,东风特商公司天然气车业务板块流程优化
11) 东风轻型发动机有限公司,产品开发信息管理系统总体设计
1) Hu Wang,Di Li,Changbin Jiang,Yuxiang Zhang, Exploring the Interactive Relationship between Retailers’ Free Shipping Decisions and Manufacturers’ Product Sales in Digital Retailing, SUSTAINABILITY,VOL 15(17), 2023.09(SCI)
2) Hu Wang,Di Li,Changbin Jiang,Online retailers' price structure decisions in competitive markets: A structure– conduct–performance framework,MANAGERIAL AND DECISION ECONOMICS,VOL 44(2),2023.03(SSCI)
3) Di Li,Hu Wang,Effects of retailers' free shipping promotions on manufacturers' product sales and product review ratings in multichannel retailing,MANAGERIAL AND DECISION ECONOMICS,VOL 43(6),2022.09(SSCI)
4) Li Di,Wang Hu ,Wang Rui, Xiong Yazhou,Professional competence evaluation of information management undergraduates based on rough set and D-S evidence theory,International Journal of Database Theory and Application,VOL 9(5)2016.06 (EI)
5) Alam Mohammad Zahedul, Hu Wang, Understanding the determinants of mHealth apps adoption in Bangladesh: A SEM-Neural network approach, TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY, VOL 61, MAY 2020, (SSCI)
6) Alam Mohammad Zahedul, Md Rakibul, Hu Wang, Factors influencing the adoption of mHealth services in a developing country: A patient-centric study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT VOL 50, FEB 2020, (SSCI)
7) Liang Tianbao, Wang Hu, Consumer decision-making and smart logistics planning base on FPGA and convolutional neural network, MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS, VOL 80 FEB 2021 (SCI)
8) Chaabna, S., Hu Wang. Analysis of the State of E-commerce in Algeria. International Journal of Marketing Studies[J], 7(2), 2015, 44-58.(EI)
9) Dodi Setiyawan,Hu Wang. A Proposed Model of IT Governance within Cloud Computing and Data Management in Higher Education. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, Vol. VI, Issue 10/ October 2019(SSCI)
10) 李冰,王虎,王锐,客户群及个体服务选择影响因子研究[J] 计算机工程与应用 2017 第53卷 第13期 P21-28
11) 李冰,王虎,面向精准服务推荐的客户与服务知识粒度研究[J] 科技管理研究 2015 第19期 P149-154
12) 王虎,王锐,曾珠,基于粗糙集与D-S证据理论的汽车售后服务知识推理[J].工业工程.2014, 17(5):35-40.
13) 曾珠,王虎,吕书玉,基于汽车售后服务本体模型的汽车服务案例式推理研究[J].工业工程.2013, 16(3):77-83.
14) 王虎,李冰,基于高维云模型的多属性群体间相似性度量研究[J],工业工程与管理,第17卷,第6期,76-82页,2012.
15) 王虎,李冰,基于N维云模型的客户群共性特征与客户个性特征研究[J],工业工程,第15卷,第4期,65-71页,2012.
16) Hu Wang, Dong Liu, Jun Wu, Research on innovation of initiative service faced on automobile classified customers[C], 2011 International Conference on Product Innovation Management, 708-711,Wuhan,China,July 16-July 17,2011.(EI)
17) Wang Hu, Zhu Pei, After-Sales Service Oriented Automobile Customer Classification Index System and Evaluation Example[C], The Second International Conference on Networking and Distributed Computing,145-148,2011.(EI)
18) Wang Hu, Zhang Sisi, Determining Types of Vehicle Maintenance Customers Based on Normal Cloud Model[C],2010 the 2nd conference on environmental science and information technology,69-72,Wuhan,China,July 17-July 18,2010.(EI)
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